News archive
22.11.2012Honoring the Elders
Not so long ago...
The search for new territory, took explorers and traders farther and farther inland as the New World revealed its vast riches. Our early explorers discovered bays, rivers, and lakes and some established settlements...
This was the start of Settler Island..
Today, we honor, celebrate and pay our respects to our elders, the original Settlers, for their courage, creativity and wisdom!
A small reward awaits you in-game!
Thank you all!
21.11.2012Maintenance Thursday 22/11/2012 [Complete]
Dear Settlers,
The maintenance will take place from 00:30h to 07:00h GMT (UK time).
Don't forget to check the forum for the latest news, events and updates!
20.11.2012Dev Diary 20/11/12
My fellow Settlers,
The new Dev Diary is now available! Expect lots of brand new features and some nice updates!
We do hope this will please you! Head over here to read all this juicy information and click here to post your constructive feedback!
Have fun !
09.11.2012Halloween Contest results!
My fellow Settlers,
The epic Halloween contest is now closed and all the winners have been announced on the forum!
Check out our hilarious Eliot Contest winners right here! Click here, if you wish to discover our winners for the frightening Poem contest and finally, head over right here to find out who won the great and terrifying Halloween Costume contest!
Congratulations to all and thank you for all the great fun!
Best regards
09.11.2012A few updates incoming!
Dear Settlers!
We have received many of your reports regarding performance issues (e.g. delays in gameplay, lags ect...).
Thank you for your crucial feedback!
We are fully aware of the current issues and are currently performing an in-depth investigation.
Our team has already been working on a few solutions. Some optimizations have already been applied on our test system.
If you wish to help us, please visit to increase the load. The more data and participants, the better.
Your participation will clearly help us with data analysis and will lead to better and faster solutions.
These software optimizations will improve the current “gametick” situation on our live game worlds. We were already able to solve interactions between several delay issues.
Beyond the software upgrades, the hardware of all gameworlds will be upgraded as well.
The first software related step will be implemented with the next update on the 22nd of November.
The developer’s diary will also be updated next week.
Thank you
07.11.2012New Boxed retail edition for the Settlers Online!
Dear Settlers,
We are very proud to announce that our our hit strategy game, the Settlers Online, will be available in all stores near you on November 29th! Expect a nice retail box full of valuable and exclusive extra content!
The boxed Standard Edition of The Settlers Online will be available at retailers across the United-Kingdom, Scandinavia, and Switzerland on the same date: November the 29th.
The Standard Edition will be available for € 24.99 (£ 19.99) and loaded with extra content for a total value of over € 40 (£ 35). This content can be redeemed with a code.
The box will contain:
4000 gems, "The Nords" adventure, a troop buff, 3 exclusive tactical maps printed in the manual and a ressource pack containing 400 stones, 400 planks, 100 tools and 20 settlers.
Have fun,
The Settlers Online Team
07.11.2012Special Halloween offer continues!
Dear Settlers,
A few weeks ago, we announced a 20% bonus on our Gem packs to celebrate the Halloween event!
The offer should have ended on November 8th.
We finally decided to extend it!
Our special 20% bonus Halloween deal will continue until November the 22nd!
Don't miss out! Click here to visit our store!
Have fun!
The TSO team.
07.11.2012Maintenance Thursday 08/11/2012 [complete]
Dear Settlers,
Tomorrow's maintenance will take place from 00:30h to 05:00h GMT (UK time).
Don't forget to check the forum for the latest news, events and updates!
06.11.2012Czech & Italian Closed Beta!
Dear Settlers,
We are very proud and happy to announce that, as of today, the Italian and Czech versions of the Settlers Online are now in closed beta!
Please bear in mind that this is a closed beta, this will only be live for a couple of weeks so don't miss this opportunity to try it out and give us your constructive feedback!
Register and explore the incredible universe of the Settlers Online now! Head over to the Italian version right here or the Czech version right here!
You can also access to your own dedicated forum right here!
Have a blast!
30.10.2012Maintenance Thursday 01/11/2012
Dear Settlers,
Maintenance is scheduled thursday November the 1st from 00:30h to 05:00h GMT (UK time).
Don't forget to check the forum for the latest news, events and updates!