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The Settlers Online

News archive

06.12.2012Christmas Trailer!

Dear Settlers,

Ho ho ho it's that time of year again! Christmas is upon us!

The cold nights are drawing in, tis time to get those big double layer cotton jumpers on and light up those beautiful christmas trees !
Sit back near the warm fireplace, have a cup of coco, relax and enjoy this "Settlers Christmas special" trailer!

Christmas Event Trailer



06.12.2012A little Gift!

Dear Settlers,

What would be Christmas without carols, the traditional offerings of sweet breads cakes and setting up your first shiny kindle fire with the presence of a loving family!

The TSO community is like family to us, we would like to thank you for your undying support and generosity, this game would not exist without your passion and dedication.

Thank you
Expect little gifts when you log in!



05.12.2012The Rumour...

My fellow comrades,

Brace yourselves, something strange, uncanny and mysterious is brewing in the air. You hear whispers on the streets , the crowd seems uneasy, agitated even...
Indeed, an uncomfortable rumour is spreading like wildfire...something about a doomed prophecy.
People with flair for adventure have already discovered what this mystery is all about...
Gather your troops for December 10th and prepare yourselves for the ultimate adventure...


05.12.2012Christmas Event is here!

Dear Settlers,

The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event!
Especially when it is on our Island! Santa Claus came early for our Settlers this year and has left lots of new exclusive content: new buffs, new buildings, decorations... click right here to find out more about the Christmas event :)

Have fun !


04.12.2012Maintenance Wednesday 05/12/2012 [complete]

Dear players,

Our weekly maintenance will take place this Wednesday, December the 5th at 00h30 and end approximately around 9h00 GMT (Uk time).

This update will include some fixes. Don't forget to check the forum right here for the latest news, events and updates!

The TSO Team

03.12.2012Retail box now available!

Dear Settlers,

We are very proud to announce that the retail box version of the Settlers Online is now available!

You can purchase the retail box at our Ubistore right here.


The TSO team

28.11.2012Dev Notes

Dear Settlers!

Please head over to the forum right here for a detailed report on what we have been working on to improve game performance .

These are the following points that were raised:

  • Database improvements
  • Additional web server infrastructure (Updated, see forum)
  • Next version
  • Maintenance durations
  • "Bounty Hunter" issues


The TSO Team

28.11.2012Maintenance Thursday 29/11/2012 [Complete]

Dear Settlers,

Our weekly maintenance will take place Thursday November the 29th from 00:30h to 07:30h GMT (UK time).
Please accept our apologies for all these maintenances, these are essential to improve game performance.

The TSO Team.

27.11.2012Urgent Maintenance [complete]

Dear Settlers,

We are performing a quick maintenance in order to improve the game's performance.
The maintenance will start now: 13h15 and end approximately around 15h00 GMT (UK Time).

We apologise for the inconvenience.

The TSO Team.

23.11.2012A few notes

Dear Settlers,

As you may know, we have been experiencing a few technical problems this week.
We are deeply sorry and wish to explain what we have put in place to tackle these problems.
Please head over to the forum right here to check the latest notes.

Have a nice weekend


This is the European English version of The Settlers Online.

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