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The Settlers Online

News archive

31.12.2012Happy New year!

Dear Settlers,

The new year is close! What a wonderful year this has been!
We cannot thank you enough for your great passion and dedication!
As a sign of our appreciation we are giving you the following gifts:

Have a wonderful new year! Be prepared for some Epic Settler events in 2013!


24.12.2012Merry Christmas!

Dear Settlers,

Sit back, relax, enjoy the warmth of the fireplace and spend some sweet quality time with your family! It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air !

Enjoy your gifts and have a very Merry Christmas!


21.12.2012Participation Reward for the End of the World Event

Dear Settlers,

Thank you all for your implication and participation in this race to counter the end of the world! Thanks to your bravery and dedication, the world is now safe and sound. Despite the challenging task, you all pulled through and saved us from a terrible fate! We witnessed people getting together, taking initiative and fighting for a good cause!

We have learned a lot from this competition and this thanks to you! This has been a true rich experience for everyone and the game itself. Thank you!

Here is the participation reward as promised:

We wish you well and wish you a very Merry Christmas.


19.12.2012End of the World final Results

Dear Settlers,

Here are the final results for the End of the World event. Congratulations and thank you for saving us from this terrible threat!

Please click here for more information regarding this event!



19.12.2012Maintenance Thursday 20/12/2012 [Complete]

Dear players,

Our weekly maintenance will take place this Thursday, December 20th at 00h30 and end approximately around 7h00 GMT (Uk time).

Don't forget to check the forum right here for the latest news, events and updates!

The TSO Team

18.12.2012End of the "End of the World Event"! [Complete]

Dear Settlers,

A server restart is scheduled at 5:30 in the morning (GMT Uk time) and end approximately at 11h00 GMT.
This will end the End of The World Event.
The adventure will be removed from the shop and all server stat calculations will stop.
If you still have the adventure in your star menu, you will still have the opportunity to complete it.
We will also give you the final results/ leaderboard on Wednesday.

Ps: Participation rewards for all game worlds are planned :)

Thank you


12.12.2012The End of the World Stat Board


Dear Settlers,

The fight for humanity is upon us whether we like it or not... During this terrifying event, we will display and update the Worldwide stats board daily so that you may have better visibilty on your world's progress! You can also check all the boards on the forum right here!
Have fun and remember... humanity's fate is in your hands!


Whilst waiting for the final results, here is a glimpse of how it looked like last night (A little more patience please, we will announce the final results later this afternoon)

12.12.2012Maintenance Thursday 13/12/2012 [Complete]

Dear players,

Our weekly maintenance will take place this Thursday, December 13th at 00h30 and end approximately around 8h00 GMT (Uk time).

Don't forget to check the forum right here for the latest news, events and updates!

The TSO Team

10.12.2012The End of The World Event is now LIVE!

Dear Settlers,
The quick maintenance launched earlier than expected. The great "End of the World" competition is now live!

You will find the adventure in your in-game mail! Good luck to all and may the best world win!

The "End of the World Board" will be updated daily and can be checked right here!


Head over here for all the information on this epic adventure!

06.12.2012The End is nigh...

It is now time to reveal the secrets of this mysterious adventure, some of you have already discovered the terrifying truth! Rumour of a doomsday prophecy has spread like wildfire.
Is this it? Is this the end of the world? How can we stop this? Are we puppets of our own destiny or do we still have the power to call the shots?
Click here and find out!

Good luck, our fate is in your hands.

This is the European English version of The Settlers Online.

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